NUS FinTech Society
About CCANUS FinTech Society is an interest group which consists of 3 teams: Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Operations. Both Machine Learning and Blockchain aim to provide 2 main objectives: learn and research. There will be a training wing (mainly for newcomers) and research wing. In the research wing, there are several teams to research some specific subjects like Algorithmic Trading, Fraud Analytics, and so forth.
Why Should You Join?Skills and benefits you'll gain
- Explore topics in Machine Learning or Blockchain area
- Expand your network with people who have similar interests
- Experience research with real-life datasets
Activites/EventsNUS FinTech Society has numerous activites such as Singapore FinTech Festival and workshops provided in some occassions during the semester. One of the workshops last semester was by Terra Weather which is a reliable, site-specific weather forecasts and risk assessment tools for offshore installations.
TestimonialsTestimonial #1
- Name: Geoffrey Bryan Lion
- Current Role: member at algorithmic trading research team
- Past Role: member of training wing
- Testimony: during my time at the training wing, I’ve explored several topics such as sentiment analysis, fraud analytics, and time series analysis. After going through the trainings, I am currently a member of the algorithmic trading team since I am passionate in trading and investments. People who are interested in financial technology should join this interest group!
How to Sign Up?Recruitment will likely start soon. Keep a lookout at the NUS FinTech Instagram page (@nusfintech) or the official website (!
CCA Contact Details- Website:
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Instagram page: @nusfintech
- LinkedIn page:
Senior Contact DetailsGeoffrey Bryan Lion