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NUS Taekwondo

About CCA#

NUS Taekwondo is a martial arts and sports club of the National University of Singapore. Taekwondo is a Korean martial arts that focuses a lot of kicking techniques. Students can participate in mainly two kinds of activities in NUS Taekwondo: poomsae - which focuses on the synchronised movement and executing punches and kicks in an elegant manner, and gyorugi - which focuses on competitive sparring with a scoring system

Why Should You Join?#


NUS Taekwondo belongs to NUS sports CCA. You can choose to be part of the varsity team and participate in the inter-university competition held each year, or just join as a member of the club and learn the beauty of this new martial arts and get some good exercise after a long day in school.


  • Name: Ronald Santoso
  • Past Role: Member
  • Testimony: Joining NUS Taekwondo was one of the tough decisions I have made in university as I have to step out of my comfort zone and venture into something unknown. As someone who is not very confident in sports, I felt taekwondo has given me the chance to exercise amidst my sedentary lifestyle in university. I have also met friends who did not have any background, but picked up interest in taekwondo in NUS. Thanks to all these people, I managed to train hard and learn to appreciate the beauty of this martial art, as well as relieve some stress as I take a break from studying.

How to Sign Up?#

Do look out for the e-SLF booth and register for NUS Taekwondo’s Welcome Tea, which is likely to be conducted in the first week Saturday of the semester. Alternatively, do check out NUS Taekwondo’s social media pages.

CCA Contact Details#

Senior Contact Details#

Ronald Santoso

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